Urban Wood Rescue is located at 6045 Midway Street (Depot Park) in Sacramento

OPen to public: Thursday-Saturday 8:15am-4:15pm

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Do you have lumber in _________ size?

Possibly - you can find an inventory of our dry slabs and cookies here. Although we generally stock standard sizes for dimensional redwood and other softwoods, when it comes to dimensional hardwoods or slabs that are still drying, your best bet is to come visit our lumber yard during normal hours to see our inventory. We do not mill to custom specifications for small orders. 

Why don’t we have lumber at a particular size?

What other people consider defects, we consider beautiful. This character is what we think makes urban lumber so cool. It also means that we mill according to the natural dimensions (and limitations) of the logs that make their way to our yard.

When are you open?

Currently, the yard is open Wednesday-Saturday from 8:00 AM-4:00 PM. We are closed for most major holidays. We will be announcing these days on our social platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook.

How is urban lumber different from reclaimed lumber?

Urban Wood Rescue is an urban lumber yard, which means that we mill and dry lumber from local urban trees that were removed. Reclaimed lumber is a term that refers to lumber that has been previously used in construction and is being reused, repurposed, or recycled into a new project. Both urban lumber and reclaimed lumber support sustainable practices in the lumber industry.

Tree Cutting, Recovery, and Donation

Can you cut down my tree?

No. Urban Wood Rescue does not perform tree removals.  

Do you recommend a tree care service to remove our tree(s) and/or transport logs to your location?

The Sacramento Tree Foundation website has great information on how to hire a reliable tree care company. There you can find out what to look for in a company/arborist, what questions to ask, and more.  There are many great companies out there and quite a few have delivered and donated logs to us in the past, including: A Plus Tree, Richard's Tree Service, Environmental Tree Service, Doug Peterson Tree Service, West Coast Arborists, Mowbray's Tree Service, Davey Tree, and more.

Can I get a discount from the tree company for giving you the logs?

In some cases, a tree company may give you a small discount because they will save time from not having to chip or pay the tipping fees at the landfill.  

What kind of logs do you take?
Logs must be relatively straight, otherwise we cannot mill them.
WIDTH: Minimum 14” diameter and up to 6+ feet diameter.
LENGTH: At least 8 feet plus a few inches. The longer, the better! We may accept shorter lengths of particularly unique wood, burls, etc.

Read more about which species we accept here. All donations must be coordinated in advance by us (916) 974-4336 or urbanwoodrescue@sactree.org. At this time, logs must be delivered to our location at 6045 Midway Street, Sacramento. 

Can I keep some of the milled lumber from my donated logs?

No, but we can inform you when the logs are milled so that you have the opportunity to purchase wood from your tree. When you donate logs to Urban Wood Rescue, you will be provided with an in-kind donation document that indicates the total board footage of the donation and estimated fair market value of the logs so that you are able to meet IRS guidelines for charitable giving.

Milling and Drying Logs

Do you have a portable milling service?

We do not. 

Can I bring my log to you to be milled?

Yes. We now offer custom milling services. Please contact us at urbanwoodrescue@sactree.org or 916-974-4336 to learn more about our custom milling options.

Can you dry my private lumber?

Not at this time.

Surfacing, Finishing and Furniture

Can you flatten the lumber I buy?

Not at this time, but we can refer you to our partners throughout the region.

Do you make furniture?

No, we don’t make finished projects, but we can refer you to a list of local artisans.

Will you apply finish to the wood I purchase?

No, the finishing process is up to you or the artisan you commission.


Can you recommend a local artisan or maker?

While we do not endorse any specific companies, we created a list of local makers/artisans who purchased our wood or visited our yard.

I’m an artisan, can I sell my work at Urban Wood Rescue?

No, but drop off a business card so we can refer our customers to you.

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